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Never overpay
when you negotiate your new car's price.

The Sold Price Report uses real market data to tell you exactly what others have recently paid for the car you want. This means you can negotiate with confidence, get the car you really want, and avoid overpaying thousands.

August Offer: Get your first sold price report free (Don't pay $14.90)
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"I saved $900. The report did the negotiating for me."
Jessica S. used the Sold Price Report to save $900 on her new Haval H9 (Ultra). She purchased the report online, printed it, and took it to her new car dealer. With the Sold Price Report, she saved money, time, and avoided awkward negotiations with her dealer. The report did the negotiating for her.
"I saved $6200 on my BMW X3"
Michael P. purchased the X3 (M Competition) Sold Price Report and took it to his BMW dealership. Within minutes he was able to negotiate a saving of $6200. It was as simple as taking the report to the meeting, discussing his options, and securing a competitive price.
"I felt confident that I wasn't being ripped off"
Julian D. used the Sold Price Report to compare the prices he'd received for his new Jeep Wrangler. "Knowing the actual sold price gave me confidence to lock in the deal and finally get my new Wrangler. I felt confident I wasn't being ripped off.
Why are thousands of car buyers investing in the Sold Price Report?
You'll get REAL pricing data from recent
purchases in your Australian state or territory
You'll get peace of mind that you're not
You'll make an informed decision about
current pricing fluctuations

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The Sold Price Report Could Save You Thousands
Get the Sold Price Report instantly for only $14.90
and take back the negotiating power.
August Offer: Get your first sold price report free (Don't pay $14.90)
Step 1: Choose your make
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Step 2:Choose your model
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